In order to gain those specific items, you need money! The best way to acquire those items would be from Microsoft Points.
In Fable 3 you have those rare items that are difficult to come by, and what's even harder is getting those treasures to your character. This is a very good way to get a large amount of gold, and it only takes a few moments to do. One way to acquire those items would be from Microsoft Points, but when you're in the middle of griefing another player, taking up all their XP nodes, or when you're about to be banned for cheating - that's when the Minecraft cheat engine table comes in handy! This cheat engine table allows you to generate unlimited amounts of gold by harvesting red jewel blocks in mines. Many can see the high cost of getting Fable 3 characters to their full potential, and the truth is- it's very hard for casual players to get those items. Now all those cool design goals are within reach! The best part is- there's no risk of being banned from xbox live afterwards because this table was made with modded files from your computer. Even if you have 10k+ gold for a seal, the King doesn't have any seals for sale! This cheat engine table will allow you to generate as many guild seals as you want, with a variety of colors and designs. Every Fable 3 player knows that Guild Seals can be difficult to come by, and what's even harder is getting the Guild Seals you want.